Access the account members page
To manage the job assignments, user roles or to remove someone from your Workable account entirely, click your profile icon in the upper right, go to Settings and then Account Members.
A list of all the users on your account will appear. Hover over any of the account members to reveal options:
- Manage membership
- Delete
Manage a user's membership to change their access rights.
- All access: Reserved for 'Super Admins' who can fully manage your Workable account.
- Standard access: Reserved for users who help with the hiring process to different degrees. Some may be fully involved, emailing, evaluating and interacting with candidates and some may only leave evaluations and notes.
- Limited access: Reserved for users who will only ever review resumes, leave internal evaluations and comments, and make referrals.
Select or unselect jobs based on the jobs that the user needs to be involved with. When a job is selected, the user will be able to see and interact with candidates.
To the right of the job, you can select a role for the user (e.g., Hiring Manager, Reviewer). The role will determine what permissions the user has for interacting with candidates.
Remove account members
To delete a user, navigate to the Account Members menu, hover over the user you need to remove from your account, and click Delete:
A deleted user can no longer log in, but all their comments/evaluations/messages and other activity associated with them will still be kept on candidates' timelines and in your reports.
Deleted users will appear at the very bottom of the Account Members page. Their account access can be restored from there if necessary:
Assign users to specific departments and/or locations
Users can be assigned to one or more departments and/or locations. This setting is beneficial for accounts using the Hiring Plan. Assigning members to specific departments/locations with the correct permission will ensure the correct assignment of requisitions later. When editing or inviting a user in the Account Members section:
- Click the option Assign this user to a specific location/department.
- Select one or more departments/locations and set the suitable Hiring role. If no department or location is specified (left blank), it will have the effect of any department/ any location. In the below example, the user is assigned to the Commercial department (and any sub-departments therein) as a Hiring Manager. No location is set, which means that no matter where a Commercial job is located, the user is recommended to be a Hiring Manager.
- Make any needed changes and click Update.
Important: This setting doesn't mean members will be auto-assigned to all future jobs created under this department/location. You will need to add them manually for new jobs. For convenience, if members' collaboration rules (assigned department/location) match the job's department or location(s), they will appear under Recommended Members when visiting the Job editor > Team Members.
External Recruiters
Visit the Account Members page and click the 'External recruiters' tab.
Hover over the recruiter to edit their information (if they haven't signed in to Workable yet) or remove them from the account.
Add notes that might be helpful for your internal team. You can also move recruiters to a job's hiring team, giving them access to that job and the ability to upload candidates.
👉 Learn how to add and manage external recruiters.
- How can I export a list of all account members?
- Please reach out to our Support team with this request. They will provide a CSV file with a list of all active users on your account, including their user permission settings.
- Can we change the name of an Account Member?
- Account members provide their names when signing up so editing this on their behalf is not possible. Each user can edit this under their Profile settings.
- If I remove members from our account, will it delete all of their previous activities?
- No, deleted members will no longer be able to log in, but all their comments /evaluations /messages and other activity associated with them will still be kept on candidates' timelines and in your reports.
- If someone else takes the place of the member who was removed, you need to add them to the hiring team for the relevant positions. If there are any associated requisitions, you should edit the req and set the replaced member as a stakeholder (Hiring manager, Requisition owner).