Access the account members page
To add someone new to the Workable account:
- Access the Account Members page by clicking your user icon at the top right of your screen and then on Settings
- Click the link to Invite a new member
- Enabling auto-join will enable anyone with an email address that matches your company's web address to join your Workable account without an invitation.
- If you are using our Employee management features see how to invite new employees in Workable
Enter your co-worker’s email address and decide on the membership type you’d like them to have:
- All access: 'Admins' who can fully manage your Workable account.
- Standard access: Users who help with the hiring process to different degrees. Some may be fully involved, emailing, evaluating and interacting with candidates and some may only leave evaluations and notes. This has the most flexibility and is the recommended option in most cases.
- Limited access: Users who will only ever review resumes, leave internal evaluations and comments, and make referrals.
When adding a new user to your Workable account, you’ll see a list of every active position. To add this new user to the hiring team for a job, check the box next to the job title. Once the user logs in, they can access the selected jobs and begin reviewing candidates.
Remember that Admins can access and join all jobs at will, regardless of the jobs you select here.
Other users must be assigned to a job to access the candidates. They can be assigned from the Account Members section when you first invite them to Workable or at any time under the Team members section of the job editor.
User roles can be set on a per-job basis. For example, a user could be a Hiring Manager on one job, a Standard Member on another, and a Reviewer on another.
Once you are ready, click on Invite member. Your coworker will receive the invitation to Workable via email. This contains a unique link that connects them to your Workable account. Note: Invitations not accepted within 30 days will automatically expire and need to be resent.
Resend or cancel a pending invitation
Pending invitations will appear at the bottom of your account members list with an option to resend or cancel the invitation (when you hover over).
If the invitation is old or the link has expired, you should cancel the pending invitation and send a brand new one.
Not receiving an invitation email? Check here or contact us for assistance.
Assign users to specific departments and/or locations
Users can be assigned to one or more departments and/or locations. This setting is beneficial for accounts using the Hiring Plan. Assigning members to specific departments/locations with the correct permission will ensure the correct assignment of requisitions later. When editing or inviting a user:
- Click the option Assign this user to a specific location/department.
- Select one or more departments/locations and set the suitable Hiring role. If no department or location is specified (left blank), it will have the effect of any department/ any location. In the below example, the user is assigned to the Commercial department (and any sub-departments therein) as a Hiring Manager. No location is set, which means that no matter where a Commercial job is located, the user is recommended to be a Hiring Manager.
- Make any needed changes and click Update.
Important: This setting doesn't mean members will be auto-assigned to all future jobs created under this department/location. You will need to add them manually for new jobs. For convenience, if members' collaboration rules (assigned department/location) match the job's department or location(s), they will appear under Recommended Members when visiting the Job editor > Team Members.