Availability: Accounts with the Premier plan
Key info: An overview of your planned and spent department budget, along with the time it took to fill the requisitions
Data filter: Includes data based on the Requisition Plan date
Update frequency: Instantly
To access the report, click the Reports page in the navigation bar.
The department filter for this report defaults to top-level departments but can be used to drill down and see requisition performance in sub-departments.
Visual data
The Hiring Performance chart shows two columns for each department. The left column represents planned requisitions, and the right represents filled.
The differently colored segments of a bar represent the number of new hires, replacements, and backfills.
Note: If the “Reason” field is not enabled and filled out for requisitions, the chart will not be generated.
Tabular data
The table provides more detail about the budget and 'time to fill' for requisitions in each department.
The currency used for the totals is the most common currency used for the requisitions you are currently viewing. For other currencies, the salary is converted from that currency to your account's common currency using today's rates. For example, if you view requisitions that all have salary in USD$, the currency is USD$. If you apply a different filter and the requisitions are mostly in EUR€, but there are some in USD$, then the USD$ entries would be converted to EUR€ for the totals.
Jobs that do not have an annual salary will have their pay converted to annual. For example, if a candidate is offered $20/hour, that pay rate is converted to annual pay (pay rate X # hours per week X # weeks per year).
Planned Budget: The sum of the planned salaries for the department's requisitions.
Filled Budget: The sum of the planned salaries for requisitions that have been filled (irrespective of the salary that was actually offered).
Actual Spent: The sum of the salaries you’ve actually offered to candidates when the requisition was filled.
Usage: The "actual spent" divided by the "filled" budget. If this is over 100%, then the team is over budget for the jobs filled so far; if it's under 100%, then the team is still within the planned budget.
- In the example above, our Finance requisitions have a filled budget of $110,000; if we were operating exactly on budget, then by this point, our actual spent should be $110,000. However, the salaries that we offered totaled $100,000. Our budget usage so far is 90.91%, indicating that we're under budget.
Average time to fill: Average time between the requisitions' open dates to the candidate(s) being moved to the Hired stage. When calculating the average time to fill for a candidate, the period that a requisition has been put on hold is not calculated.
Average time to start: Average time between the requisitions' open dates and the hired candidate’s start date at your company.
Days early/days late: Average number of days between candidates' start dates and the requisition plan date (the Plan date is always the last day of the selected month, and if you choose a custom date range, you must include up to the very last day of the month when filtering).