Availability: All plans with the Recruiting package (not available to the Free plan)
Key info: Detailed information about the jobs, stages and reasons that candidates were disqualified
Date filter: Disqualification date
Update frequency: Instantly
To access the report, click the Reports page in the navigation bar. Use the drop-down options to filter the report and specify the desired timeframe. The report has up to four sections depending on your account configuration:
- Top level disqualification metrics (including the drop-off rate)
- Disqualifications breakdown by stage
- Disqualifications breakdown by reason (only if disqualification reasons are enabled)
- Disqualified candidates details (customizable table of disqualified candidates)
Top-level disqualification metrics
Enabled disqualification reasons
When disqualification reasons are enabled in the account (optional or mandatory), you will see the following metrics in the top banner:
- Rejected: Count of the candidates disqualified with a disqualification reason classified as a rejection.
- Withdrew: Count of the candidates disqualified with a disqualification reason classified as a withdrawal.
No reason specified: Count of candidates that were rejected without a disqualification reason being specified. This may be because:
- Your account has disqualification reasons enabled as optional, and some candidates were disqualified without specifying a reason.
- Your disqualification reasons were disabled for part of the reporting period, and for that time, disqualification reasons were not recorded.
- Drop-off rate: This is the ratio of the candidates who withdrew over the total disqualified candidates. Considering the metrics we provide, it is calculated as Withdrew / (Rejected + Withdrew + No reason specified). If no candidates have been rejected with a disqualification reason marked as a withdrawal, the drop-off rate is 0%.
- Automatic disqualifications due to knockout questions or candidate blocking are counted as rejections.
- Disqualifications with the "Other" reason specified may be counted as a rejection or withdrawal as the user is asked to classify the "Other" reason type accordingly.
Disabled disqualification reasons
When disqualification reasons are disabled in the account, you will see the same metrics bar, but only one metric will be populated. All disqualifications are counted under the 'No reason specified' metric.
Note: If you have provided disqualification reasons for some candidates but then disabled them in the account, the provided disqualification reasons are not considered when calculating the metrics.
Disqualifications breakdown by stage
As in all reports, the reporting pipeline is used when multiple jobs are selected with different pipelines. If the jobs selected have the same pipeline, then the job pipeline is used.
Enabled disqualification reasons
When disqualification reasons are enabled in the account (optional or mandatory), you can see a breakdown of disqualifications by stage and disqualification category.
The table provides a high level distribution of disqualifications across stages and the ratio of rejected/ withdrew / no reason per stage.
Disabled disqualification reasons
When disqualification reasons are disabled in the account, you can see a breakdown of disqualifications by stage.
Disqualifications breakdown by reason
Disqualifications breakdown by reason is only available when disqualification reasons are enabled in your account. The table displays the reasons why candidates get disqualified in absolute terms and as a percentage of total disqualifications.
Disqualified candidates details
Disqualified candidates are listed by disqualification date, and if disqualification reasons are enabled on your account, the disqualification reason, category, and any disqualification note are also listed.
Click on Customize data to choose any field you want to include in the report. Tick as many as you want to see and reorder the options by clicking the small lines next to each checkbox to drag and drop. The table will update as you make your selections. You will need to scroll to the right to see all the data. The default data points that will be included in the report are:
- Data options include custom fields to be seen and exported via this report.
* These data points will be included only if disqualification reasons are enabled for your account.
You can export the report by clicking on Export to CSV. You will receive it by email within a few moments.
- If you add a custom reason, the reason column will show 'Other,' and your custom reason will appear in the note column.
Auto-disqualified candidates will be shown as rejected with the reason "Doesn’t have required qualifications". The note column will include the question(s) that led to the auto-rejection, displaying up to three if there are multiple.