Availability: All plans with the Recruiting package (not available to the Free plan)
Key info: The average time candidates spend in a given stage and the average time it takes for them to reach a particular stage of the recruiting pipeline
Data filter: Includes data based on the activities created within the filtered time period for candidates created (applied/sourced) within the filtered time period
Update frequency: Every 8 hours
To access the report, click the Reports page in the navigation bar.
- Use the drop-down options to filter the report and specify the desired timeframe.
- The Hiring Velocity is handy to spot inefficiencies in your hiring process and selecting the right timeframe is crucial to the results.
Visual data
Average days to move forward:
The stacked bar chart at the top of the page shows every stage in the pipeline and the average time a candidate takes to move forward from each stage. For example, if the bar chart shows “Applied: 4 days”, that means it takes an average of 4 days for candidates to move forward from applied to any other stage in the pipeline.
By default, the results include candidates that were created (sourced or applied) within the timeframe you have specified. At the top left of the reports page, there is an option to include the candidates who applied for the job before your chosen date range.
- Check this box: to include all moves forward within the specified date range
- Uncheck this box: to view only the data for candidates who applied or were sourced after the report’s start date
Average days from sourced/applied to pipeline stage:
Each pipeline stage is a different color, and the number of days taken is clearly visible above each arrow. This chart shows the average number of days it took candidates to move from Sourced/Applied to any given stage.
Tabular data
The table combines the data to show:
- the average days from sourced or applied to each stage in the pipeline
- the average days to move forward from a pipeline stage
- additional relevant actions that occurred within each stage
For example, you can see how many events, comments or evaluations occurred at each stage of the pipeline and compare it to the amount of time spent in each stage.
If you see any lines in red, this means that those are the stages where candidates spend the most time (higher avg days in stage). In the above example, the Shortlisted and Test stages seem to be the ones where things take the longest, with candidates staying there for a longer period compared to other stages before moving forward.