Unpublish jobs when you no longer wish to advertise them on your careers page and/or job boards. You'll still be able to interact with candidates.
To unpublish/close a job and stop receiving new applicants:
- Locate the job on the Jobs page.
- Click on the job status ('Published').
- From the dropdown menu, choose to unpublish the job. This will set the job to be used internally and will remove it from your careers page and the respective job boards.
Note: The job is still considered to be active. If you want to exclude a job from your job count, you should archive it, which will not allow interaction with candidates.
Once the job has been unpublished, it may take 6-24 hours for all job boards to remove it. You can republish the job if necessary by updating the status through the same dropdown menu.
If you want to unpublish a job from selected or all job boards but still keep it visible on your careers page, please check here.