Note: Workable will only share disposition data to Indeed for candidates who applied through their platform and not from any other source.
Disposition data is the information Indeed uses to track applicants' progress in Workable as the hiring process unfolds. Statuses can include time-stamped updates such as “interviewed,” “rejected,” or “hired”.
What are the benefits?
There are several benefits to sending disposition data (hiring signals) to Indeed, including:
- Get more quality applicants for your jobs. The disposition data is aggregated and analyzed by the job seeker product team to improve the targeting of job ads and the application experience itself. That way, candidates better understand how the skills on their resumes meet your requirements, as seen in the following examples.
- Earn an Employer Response Badge. This is a "Responsive Employer" icon that shows up on jobs in Indeed search results highlighting you as an employer that is highly responsive to applications from job seekers. It is a valuable insight for job seekers as they decide which jobs to apply to.
❓What will be the impact of turning off disposition data?
Opting out of sharing disposition data means missing out on the benefits that contribute to overall job performance. This information is crucial for optimizing job performance through improved matching. Early data shows that jobs with disposition data enabled perform better, with a possible improvement of 30%. Additionally, employers who do not actively use disposition data won't be eligible for the "Responsive Employer" flag on their jobs.
How does this work?
When you make a change in Workable to an applied candidate that came from Indeed, Workable transmits the new status signal, along with an anonymized application ID and a date/time stamp in an XML file. These files contain a timestamp, an Apply ID, and an application status.
Examples of disposition sync data:
- A new candidate entered Workable
- A candidate was:
- contacted
- interviewed
- sent an offer
- rejected
- hired
By default, disposition data is enabled in your account. To manage this setting:
- Click your profile icon in the upper right, click on 'Settings', and navigate to Integrations
- Locate Indeed in the list of Job board integrations and click on it
- Disable/enable the toggle under the 'Indeed general settings'
Data Privacy FAQs
- How do we protect job seeker privacy?
We value data protection and Privacy and no Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is passed from Workable to Indeed. The data sent in Disposition Data cannot be used to identify a candidate in isolation; it only includes a timestamp, an anonymized application ID, and the application status. This approach aligns with GDPR and other advanced data protection codes' security and data minimization principles.
- Is consent from the job seeker required for receiving Disposition Data?
Job seekers who apply through Indeed agree to the platform's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which define the relationship between them and Indeed. Indeed acts as a controller for most job seeker data processing, in line with their Privacy Policy, to assist job seekers in finding employment (as described in sections 4, 5, 6, and 9 of their Privacy Policy).