Best for: Tech roles/ Sourcing technically pre-screened candidates
Regions: UK based companies only
Features: Export candidates to Workable
Support:, Chatbot available
Hackajob is a sourcing platform that was created to revolutionize tech recruitment. It allows UK based companies to publish tech jobs and attract candidates with the specified skill set. Candidates can create their profile in hackajob in minutes, highlighting their expertise and expectations.
When you integrate Workable and hackajob, candidates from hackajob can be imported to a relevant job in Workable.
Setting up the integration
In your Workable account:
- Click your profile icon in the upper right, click on Settings and navigate to Integrations > Apps
- Locate hackajob in the list of sourcing integrations and click on it
- Click Generate Token and copy to clipboard the long string of numbers and letters
In your hackajob account:
- Navigate to your hackajob settings page
- Paste the partner token in the API Key field in the Workable integration settings
- Click Connect
Configuring jobs & stages in hackajob
After enabling the integration, a green "Connected" status will be indicated and the "Configure The Integration" button will appear:
Click this button in order to match each of your hackajob roles with Workable jobs, along with the pipeline stages between hackajob and Workable.
Using the integration
To export a candidate to Workable, start by clicking the Export profile option on the candidate profile. Then schedule an interview with the candidate via hackajob. When both these actions have been completed, the candidate will be exported to Workable, to a stage that corresponds to hackajob's 'Phone Interview - 1st Round' stage according to your settings.