If your referrals portal users are using multiple email domains (e.g., two brands like @companyA.com, @companyB.com) or you migrated to a new domain, contact us to add the domain/s into the "allow" list for Referrals. This will enable users to auto-join the portal via the direct link without the need for a manual invitation.
Click on the user icon in the upper right of Workable and navigate to Settings, then Referrals to manage Referrals users. From this page, you can:
- Enable auto-join to access your referrals portal link
- Add and remove referral portal users manually
- See a list of everyone who has joined the portal
Users who join the portal may or may not have access to your main Workable account. Users must be added to the Account Members section of Workable to have access to your main Workable account.
If you're using our HR features, any employees who join your account will also auto-join your Referrals portal without the need for a separate invitation.
Add referrals portal users
Enabling autojoin in your account is important to allow anyone who signs up with a company email to access your referrals portal automatically. Then, you can copy your referrals portal link and share it with your colleagues.
It will look like this: https://[subdomain].workable.com/referrals
Invited coworkers can access the portal by going to that link at any time, or they can use the links in the email notifications they'll receive if invited manually.
To add users manually, follow the below steps:
- Click Invite new members
- Enter email addresses for invitees in the field that appears, separating multiple addresses with commas or spaces; you can also, copy past multiple emails at once
- You can invite users with any email domain (e.g. @gmail.com, @companyb.com, etc.)
- Complete the process by clicking Add invitees and giving a final confirmation to send out invites
Invitees will receive an email with a button they can click to join the Referrals portal. To see how many members are active in Referrals click the filter; you will see a number next to each member category (active, invited, deactivated).
Remove referrals portal users
To remove a coworker from Referrals:
- Search for them in the list of Referrals members
- Hover over their entry
- Click Deactivate Workable referrals access
Deactivated users are still credited as the source for the candidate.
What's next?
- Customize referral emails and notifications
- [Optional] Add a default referral reward (e.g. $250) for successful referrals and include a reward policy
- Customize referral and internal applicant questions
- Roll out the portal across your company