To assist with maintaining up-to-date employee profile information over time, it is possible to send a request to individual employees to review their details.
The employee can then update specific information as needed at their convenience.
Requesting reviews
Only HR admins can request profile reviews from employees.
- Select the Request profile review option from the Actions menu on an employee profile.
- In the window that appears, select the required fields to be filled in or reviewed. This list includes all employee editable fields according to the profile template access rights and visibility settings. Whole sections, subsections, or individual fields can be selected with two quick selection options available:
All fields - selecting all employee editable fields
Incomplete fields - selecting all employee editable fields that are currently blank
- Click Request to confirm the action. The employee will receive a notification (Inbox, Email/Slack, and to-do item) to review their profile.
Review process by employees
When the employee clicks to review their profile information, they will be redirected to their employee profile, and a form will appear that includes all the requested fields that need to be reviewed. Employees can fill in or update all fields, and similar to the profile edit form, they cannot complete the request if any mandatory fields are left blank.
When employees click Submit, their requests are finalized, and profile information updates right away for fields not needing HR Admin approval. For other fields, updates are made once an HR Administrator approves them.
- Can I cancel a pending profile review?
Yes, a pending profile review will appear on the profile's sidebar. From there, use the Cancel request button and then follow the prompts.
- Will I be notified when a profile review is completed?
Yes, once the review is complete, HR Admins who requested the employee update their profile will receive a completion notification (Inbox, Email, or Slack).
- What happens if a profile field change requires approval?
If a profile field requires approval, the relevant user will be notified per your current approval processes.