To get started view our full API documentation. Depending on your needs with the Workable API you can:
Extract information about your:
- account
- account members and recruiters
- pipeline stages for each position
- jobs and application form questions
- scheduled events
- job's and/or candidate's activity
- requisition data (fields, approval status, and workflow)
Manage your account by:
- Invite members
- update member access level,
- deactivate, or restore members
- Create, merge, or delete departments
Manage your candidates by:
- Fetching candidates
- Extracting detailed candidate information
- Creating candidate profiles inside Workable
- Updating existing candidate profiles (e.g. add comments, add/remove tags, disqualify/revert)
- Executing various actions on candidates e.g. copy, move or disqualify
- Adding comments or ratings
- Creating a webhook when a candidate is created or moved
Manage your employees by: *
- Listing your employees
- Getting information about a specific employee
- Creating a specific employee
- Updating a specific employee
- Getting documents about a specific employee
- Creating documents for a specific employee
Retrieve information about your account by: *
- Listing your departments
- Listing your work schedules
- Listing your employee fields
- Listing your configured legal entities
Create custom reports:
- Get the job or candidate activity stream
- Process data outside of Workable and build a report
Export new hires to another system:
- Periodically get a list of candidates from Workable in the "Hired" stage and use the candidate endpoint to get the full profile information or
- Create webhook subscriptions to automatically receive data when candidates move to the Hired stage and use the candidate endpoint to get the full profile information.
Note: Endpoints marked with an asterisk (*) use new scopes that are not currently supported by tokens in use. Kindly contact us to activate the related scopes for your account token.
- Is there a limitation on requests?
Yes, it is 10 requests per 10 seconds. If you reach the limit, you will be getting the error 429; in this case, review your implementation and control the requests when the error appears.
- Is it possible to access custom questions or custom fields via the API?
Yes! You can retrieve a list of associated application questions for a job from the /jobs/:shortcode/questions endpoint. Custom fields (both candidate and user-provided) for a specific job can be retrieved from the /jobs/:shortcode/custom_attributes endpoint.
Answers to custom questions and custom fields (both candidate and user-provided) are included in the response of the call to /candidates/:id (under the 'answers' key).
- Where can I submit suggestions for API documentation updates?
If you see anything missing or unclear in our API documentation, please add your comment while voting if the article was helpful.
👉 Next steps: Generating/revoking an access token for Workable's API