You can organize the jobs on the Jobs page with search, filtering,, and favoriting options. All organization options are personal and do not apply to the whole account.
At the top left of your list of jobs, you'll see a search option. Start typing and Workable will show the results as you type.
To the top right of the Jobs page are the filters. Use the filter links to isolate jobs by department or location in alphabetical order. With the group option, you can differentiate jobs with the same name by location, department, status and more. You’ll also see the option to include or exclude draft jobs from your view:
Here we've filtered to group jobs by department.
Click the floppy disc icon to save your filter. Filters are only saved for the computer you're currently using. If you save a filter on your work computer, you may need to reapply the filter when using Workable on your home computer. Click the X to clear the filter.
Favorited / Pinned Jobs
To see priority jobs at the top of the dashboard, click the pin to the left of a job title. This will pin the job to the top of the page; pinned jobs will appear with a dark gray pin. It will stay there until you click the pin again to unpin it or until you archive the job when the position is filled.
If multiple jobs are pinned, they'll appear in alphabetical order.
Personalized Admin view
Admin users can join and leave the hiring team for a job from the Jobs page. Hover on a job and click Join this job to access the hiring pipeline and the job’s candidates.
If you're already on the hiring team for a job, click the three dots and select Leave job to remove yourself from the hiring team. The job will still be available on the Jobs page but will appear with a truncated view. You can rejoin at any time and can always access the candidates through your Candidates page.