Availability: All plans with the Recruiting package (not available to the Free plan)
Key info: Audience, impressions and application data for Workable Campaigns
Data filter: Includes data based on the time period being filtered
Update frequency: Every 8 hours
Rely on the Campaigns report to understand the effectiveness of your jobs' Campaigns. To access the report, click the Reports page in the navigation bar.
Use the drop-down options to filter the report and specify the desired timeframe.
Audience: The total number of people targeted with your Campaign(s).
Impressions: The number of views your Campaign ad received (the same person may view the ad multiple times, generating multiple "Impressions").
Reach: The number of unique people to view the Campaign ad.
Clicks: The number of people who clicked on the Campaign ad.
Candidates: The number of candidates who submitted their contact details through the Campaign ad.